Menu Design
Menu engineering is the first step to crafting a successful menu. The second step is creating the design and brand for that menu. Complete menu engineering is incomplete without an effective design as how and where menu items are placed are just as important to your profitability.
Menu rationalization is the process to reduce the size or number of menu items to improve profitability, quality and consistency. Return On Ingredients can assist your company in ensuring not only is the menu readable and attractive, but also very executable and profitable.
Return On Ingredients has a team of designers who specialize in restaurant menu design. Using proven, effective menu engineering and design strategies, we will help you leverage a beautifully designed, well-crafted menu that will brand your restaurant and increase your profitability. Our design services include: menu design, menu production, research and planning, art selection, logo design and refreshing, table tents, other marketing and design services.
What to consider for menu design:
Paper - The type of paper that the menu is printed on can communicate quality.
Font - The choice of what font to use can be important. Is it readable and does it communicate the brand properly.
Highlighted Menu Items - Using highlighting techniques can assist in the sale of profitable items.
Specialty Menus - Creating separate menus for special circumstances needs to be developed carefully.